Sunday, March 23, 2008

"I am a false prophet."

Went to Urban Active - yes, it is open on Easter. Yepee!

Did the following:
  • 10 minutes on elliptical
  • bench press; 15 reps no weight; 2 sets of 15 reps with 20 lbs on bar
  • overhead dumbbell press; 15 reps with 10 lbs; 15 reps with 12.5 lbs; 15 reps with 15 lbs; 15 reps with 17.5 lbs - hmmmm, I think I only did three sets, so something isn't correct there. Perhaps I didn't do the 12.5? I don't recall!
  • pulldowns; 15 reps 40 lbs; 15 reps 55 lbs; 15 reps 70 lbs... not sure if the reps are accurate for the last weight!
  • cable rows; 20 reps 40 lbs; 15 reps 55 lbs; 15 reps 85 lbs; 6 reps 100 lbs...again, not sure about the accuracy of this...
  • 10 minutes on this torture device that is sorta like an elliptical
  • some ab work
Overall, an ok workout. I need to start eating better again, because I know that my diet has been poor. Bad me!

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