Monday, May 12, 2008

The babies are here!!!! Mama Robin is a MAMA!

Just returned from my first "big" run in a long time, but that's unimportant, because ...

Mama Robin and Mr. Robin are parents! The nest above my backdoor is now home to at least one baby Robin. I only saw one head pop up to be fed, but I'm guessing there are more there - maybe 2-3? We'll see.

Seeing this absolutely MADE my day...just a beautiful thing to behold. I'm a big mush and dork about such things.

The first year I lived here, robins nested in that same place - that same nest, actually. I was sad to not have any robins return. I contemplated taking down the nest, but kept it there just as a reminder of the first houseguests I ever hosted - other than my folks when I moved in. I'm happy to see that little home get some use.

Happy birthday little robins!!!!

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